Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement

Freepoint Commodities

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2024

This policy statement, covering financial year January to December 2023, is made pursuant to s.54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the measures that Freepoint Commodities LLC (“Freepoint”) and its affiliates have taken to ensure that neither modern slavery nor human trafficking are taking place within its business or its supply chain.

Freepoint’s UK entities are:

  • Freepoint Commodities Europe LLP
  • Freepoint Commodities Enterprises Ltd
  • Freepoint Commodities Holdings Ltd.

Freepoint is a physical commodity merchant with offices across North America, Europe, UAE, and Asia.  The group’s activities are varied and include trading, blending, transporting and storing commodities including energy, metals and agricultural products.  Conducting business in an ethical and socially responsible manner is a core undertaking for Freepoint.

Freepoint regularly assesses the risks of slavery and human trafficking across our business and the supply chains of commodities in which we transact and has determined the majority of Freepoint’s activity presents a low risk.

Nonetheless, we have implemented policies and procedures which require thorough due diligence of business partners and suppliers and expect these entities to maintain the same high ethical standards that we do.


Freepoint has increased internal awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking, and employees are encouraged to report any suspicion of modern slavery or human trafficking via Freepoint’s internal whistleblowing process.

This statement has been approved by the Executives of Freepoint’s UK entities.

You can contact Freepoint’s Compliance team by emailing: